
The Rhine-Valley rock band Black Diamonds is currently on tour with the two Swedish groups HEAT and degreed in a huge nightliner. A big happening for the local musicians. But the adventure also demands a lot from them.

In loose order, they give insights into their touring life, which started this week in Copenhagen.

So the members of Black Diamonds drove in their minibus from tiny Kriessern to Copenhagen - a 14 hours journey. The musicians took turns in which two were sleeping, while the other two slept - or at least tried to.

After their arrival things got tough: three bands and a lot of equipment - everything has to fit in the nightliner.

The first tour soundcheck took a little longer for all bands to set the base for the sound, but it was worth it. Before the show, the Black Diamonds then felt the lack of sleep, everyone was totally knocked out. But adrenalin works wonders - and luckily the show was really great!

Last night, the bands played in front of a full house and tropical warmrth in the "Logo" in Hamburg. The whole process with setup and soundcheck was already much easier than the evening before, but still demanding.

The Black Diamonds have clearly taken too much material and without "Tetris abilities" it would not be possible to load it all. Nevertheless: the concert was great and the band members were able to sell a lot of shirts and CDs afterwards. And there was also some time for some aftershow party...

Source: - 02.11.2017

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